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novel at dépendance, Brussels

Alun Rowlands

NOVEL the exhibition, gathers a selection of works by past and present contributors to NOVEL a publication project and collection of artist writings, edited by Alun Rowlands  and Matt Williams. As one of the publications aims is to gather various forms of non-academic texts and poetry oscillating between modes of fiction and criticism, the exhibition at dépendance attempts to bring the focus away from writing as a parallel activity, back to art objects.

New works by Bernadette Corporation, Michaela Eichwald, Gareth James, Sergej Jensen, Oscar Tuazon, Nicholas Byrne and a collaborative work by Simon Thompson & Cheyney Thompson, join works by Henri Chopin, Henrik Olesen, Josef Strau, Merlin Carpenter and Nick Mauss.

Organized by dépendance the exhibition 10 September – 16 October 2010, commemorates the launch of Novel’s Issue 3.

varkensmarkt 4 rue du marché aux porcs
brussel 1000 bruxelles

Alun Rowlands

Alun Rowlands

She’d studied history and acting in New York and London but ditched her career when she met her ex-husband Michel. A former student of Sartre’s and nearly two decades older than her, Michel held an endowed chair in philosophy and traveled all over the world. Her acting career was a hopeless cause so she went along too. Her legs were too short, her nose was too long. Like Eleanor Aveling -daughter of Karl Marx and subject of the PhD thesis Catt could not get approved – Catt’s passion for acting was a flight from her literal, serious mind into some kind of freedom and beauty. For a long time being welcomed as the quirky young wife of the great old guy was better than being told she wasn’t right for the part. When she wasn’t so young anymore, she started writing and moved to LA alone. Since they’d never had kids this was easily done. Without a PhD, the only paying work she could find was teaching part-time at an art school and writing art catalogue essays.

Chris Krauss excerpt one from the forthcoming novel Summer of Hate (2010) p. 6 - 7

Alun Rowlands

Standing in front of an open mailbox with a scorched envelope in my hands. The confusion was similar when his “imaginary rooms” first presented themselves to me: awkward, unpeopled, Degas-colored, irreverent of style or purity, freely invented with just enough effort to complete a semblance of space, dashed off like an inscription or a thank-you note. The charisma of his costume designs, fashion illustrations, frontispieces, paintings, sets, rugs, scarves, improvised stylings and “looks” for legendary parties is buoyed by this sure, yet unsure line. Everything I can’t talk about I read into this trenchant shorthand for a world so detailed and sweet, social, hilarious, intuited, complete within the borders of its ambitions as a proposal, a counter-design. Unbearable, because I recognize it instantly, inviting, because it is still completely foreign to me.

Nick Mauss Everything that Hesitates (2010) p. 4 - 5


Alun Rowlands

Issue Three
Edited  Alun Rowlands & Matt Williams//
Designed  James Langdon//
Newspaper Publication//
pp. 82 

ISBN 978-1-906424-10-7

p.1 Paul Sietsema Painter’s Mussel (2010)//
p.2 Michael Dean Physique (2010)//
p.3 Mark Titchner Do it (2010)//
p.4-5 Nick Mauss Everything that Hesitates (2010)//
p.6-7 Chris Krauss excerpt one from the forthcoming novel Summer of Hate (2010)//
p.8-9 Charles Atlas Are you tired of paying too much for your carpets (2009)//
p. 10-15 Nick Relph A List of Incorrect Things (2010)//
p.16-19 David Maljkovic(2010)//
p.20-21 Alex Hubbard Textasy 1-4 (2010)//
p.22-25 Laure Prouvost (2010)//
p.27-32 Amir Mogharabi Matériel Perdu (2010)//
p.33 Mark Titchner Self Help (2010)//
p.34-37 Saskia Olde Wolbers Pareidolia (2010)//
p.38 Mark Borthwick If Desire (2010)//
p.39-42 Lothar Hempel Swally Tailio Filiali; Novela Bobby Duo (2010)//
p.43 Mark Borthwick If by String (2009)//
p.44-50 Chris Krauss excerpt two from Summer of Hate (2010)//
p.51 Laure Prouvost The person behind you would like to talk to you (2010)//
p.52-68 DAS INSTITUT “Bcc: Corp Ab” DAS INSTITUT for NOVEL (2010)//
p.70-75 Oscar Tuazon extract from Last Try (2009)//
p.77 Erika Vogt Cylinders with Figures (2009)//
p.78-80 Simon Thompson Where Does Sister Sublet? (2010)//
p.81Laure Prouvost Questions will be asked (2010)//

We would like to thank all of the artists for participating and the following galleries for their kind support: dependance, Brussels; Cabinet Gallery, London; MOT International, London: Gavin Brown, New York; Maureen Paley, London; 303 Gallery, New York; Herald Street, London; Elizabeth Dee, New York; Maccarone, New York; Regen Projects, Los Angeles; Modern Art, London; Balice Hertling, Paris; Metro Pictures, New York; Overduin & Kite, Los Angeles and Vilma Gold, London.