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Alun Rowlands

Novel Issue Two
Edited Alun Rowlands & Matt Williams//
Designed James Langdon//
Newspaper Publication
pp. 64

ISBN 9781906424091

Front Oscar Tuazon Last Try (2009)//
p.1-4 Karolin Meunier The Act of Corresponding (2009)//
p.5, 23, 28 & 29 Cyprien Gaillard Untitled (2009)//
p.6-9 Mark Leckey The Long Tail (2009)//
p.10-11 Barry MacGregor Johnston & Stephen G.Rhodes By and By (2009)//
p.12-17 Emily Wardill Split the screen in two (2009)//
p.18-22 Paul Chan Oh Stexts (2009)//
p.24-27 Anna Barham Return to Leptis Magna (2009)//
p.30-31 Melanie Gilligan Crisis in the credit system (2009)//
p.32-33 Nathan Hylden Material Photography (Mel Bochner 1966-1997) (2009)//
p.34-39 Karl Holmqvist Declare Independence (2009)//
p.40 & 58 Nichloas Byrne Barber; Hosier (2010)//
p.41 Ryan Gander In search of the perfect palindrome (third attempt); crossword featuring a newly invented word ‘Mitim’ - rendering it unsolveable - placed in a national newspaper (2006)//
p.42 Simon Denny Deep Sea Vaudeo (2009)//
p.43-44 Michaela Eichwald Zeit ist Angstgnade (2009)//
p.45-54 Oscar Tuazon Last Try (2009)//
p.55-56 Henri Chopin Masque & Bergamasque (P.Verlain) de profil. (1988); Pologue libre (1982)//
p.59-63 Ed Atkins The Radical Dilettante (2008)//

The randomly ripped out page(s) in this issue of Novel is Christoph Buchel’s contribution to this publication.