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Alun Rowlands

Novel at dependance on Flickr.Novel at dependance
‘Novel,’ the exhibition, gathers a selection of works by past and present contributors to ‘Novel,’ a publication project and collection of artist writings, edited by Alun Rowlands and Matt Williams. …

Novel at dependance on Flickr.

Novel at dependance

‘Novel,’ the exhibition, gathers a selection of works by past and present contributors to ‘Novel,’ a publication project and collection of artist writings, edited by Alun Rowlands and Matt Williams. As one of the publications aims is to gather various forms of non-academic texts and poetry oscillating between modes of fiction and criticism, the exhibition at dépendance attempts to bring the focus away from writing as a parallel activity, back to art objects.

New works by Bernadette Corporation, Michaela Eichwald, Gareth James, Sergej Jensen, Oscar Tuazon, Nicholas Byrne and a collaborative work by Simon Thompson & Cheyney Thompson, join works by Henri Chopin, Henrik Olesen, Josef Strau, Merlin Carpenter and Nick Mauss.

Organized by dépendance the exhibition 10 September – 16 October 2010, commemorates the launch of Novel’s Issue 3.

varkensmarkt 4 rue du marché aux porcs
brussel 1000 bruxelles